Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gilbert's Got A Fan

Day 7/365

I don't watch college sports often. I wasn't intending to watch the game tonight. I was quite content to play on the computer while Gary watched the game. I was sort of listening to it, but not very intently. Until The Longhorns Senior Quarterback got hurt.

Put yourself in the shoes of that young freshman that took his place. I can imagine that a part of Garret Gilbert was excited at the opportunity to play in such a major game. But I doubt that excitement lasted very long. I bet the emotion that took it's place was sheer terror. All that pressure being placed on the shoulders of a 18 or 19 year old kid that probably saw very little playing time this year prior to tonights game. After that disastrous play at the end of the first half (
which I personally believe was so not Garret Gilbert's fault), he was probably praying that McCoy was going back in the second half.

But the kid didn't give up. He keep trying and eventually began getting his rhythm. He made a couple good passes and they managed to score a couple touchdowns. I cheered for him each time just hoping he could manage to pull it off. Unfortunately inexperience
and a big guy in a red shirt slammed him to the ground hard (did you see the poor kids head snap?).

I'm not a big football fan. I'm certainly not a Longhorn fan. But I'm going to be watching for that kid.


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