Tuesday, January 5, 2010



It's amazing how two weeks off work can make you soooooo tired when you do go back. By the time I got home, I just wanted to ball up on the couch and sleep. I do not take naps, but I did today. Lucky I have such a sweet hubby who fixed dinner for him and Alissa. Well, he heated up leftovers, which works for me. I almost didn't do a shot today. I'm just so tired! I was rationalizing like crazy. (I can just do 2 tomorrow. That will make up for missing today.) But I knew if I missed one so soon, I would never make it all year. I was racking my brain for a shot opportunity while making my hot chocolate. The mug is a new. It was a christmas gift. I have a thing for coffee mugs. I love big oversized mugs!

ETA: My mug is sitting on hubby's piano bench. The thing is so old that there is no longer any padding in the padded seat. And no, he doesn't play the piano. He has an Organ that he is "self-taught" on.


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