Saturday, January 9, 2010

Numbers Don't Lie

Day 9/365

I have noticed lately that my clothes are getting too tight. At first I tried to blame it on my new dryer. Which really is ridiculous considering it has a sensor and stops when the clothes are dry. But anyone who has ever gained weight understands how you will try to justify that extra snuggness (is that even a word?) in your waistband.

I haven't been on scales in several months. It's actually been so long that I don't remember when the last time I got on them was. Taking this shot was the first time I have actually seen the numbers to go along with the pinching clothing. Maybe it's just because I'm a math person, but the numbers really get to me. I don't think I have ever been this large. Maybe when I went into labor, but even then I don't think so.

I have struggled with weight-loss most of my adult life. In the last few years it has been a battle I have only fought in small burst. I'm always too busy to eat healthy or work out. I'm always going to start on Monday. Even when I do start, I will last a few weeks then fall off the wagon.

The weight doesn't come off as easy as it used to. Not that it has ever been easy for me, but it was easier in my twenty's. I have to do something about this now. I have friends actually say to me that I'm fine the way I am. They are slender people. They don't know how it feels to try on clothes and nothing fits right.

I also have to do it for my daughter who has already developed my bad eating habits. I don't want her to have to deal with this her entire life.

When I decided to take this shot for my 365, my intention was to blur out the numbers. But maybe showing my weight to the world will push me into doing something about it.

Numbers Don't Lie Day 9/365


Jennifer Barrett January 11, 2010 at 8:22 PM  

I haven't visited your blog in a couple of days...Woman, you are B R A V E !!!!! Very admirable and so so inspiring to get me off my butt.
You know I've heard Oprah say "you have to own the number" and so far I live in denial even when I can't button my pants. Thanks for being so gutsy! Kind of makes me want to take a picture of myself in a NOT!!

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