Rodeo is a Dirty Sport
Day 16/365
We had a HS Rodeo in Texarkana today. I really hoped that my picture today would be of Tyler bull riding, but with the weather the arena was just too dark to get any shots.
I think I have mentioned that I'm not a winter weather girl. Today just confirmed that. I think my dad said it best when he said, "I love rodeo. But not on days like this." Although the arena is covered, you still have to walk to and from the horse trailer multiple times during the day. And the bathroom. Especially when your drinking coffee like it's been poured from the fountain of youth. Being cold and damp all day made me miserable. I hope my kid appreciates how much I love her, because I wouldn't have been in that weather for any other reason.
Today was the first day that Alissa has ridden Buddy in almost 4 months. He has been out with a mysterious injury. We're not sure what he did or how he did it. He just came up lame. At first the Vet thought it was an infection, but after a round of high powered antibiotics that was ruled out. He suggested we lay off him for a while. Fortunately, most of the Rodeos have been canceled during this time due to the uncharacteristic weather Arkansas has been having.
They had a decent run. Not great, but decent. Alissa doesn't have an ounce of hustle in her whole body. Sadly neither does Buddy. It doesn't make for the best barrel racing team. They did place 11 out of 28. Only one placing out of points. But it was a really good confidence booster for her to have a good clean run.
If you know me, you know that I'm not one to "dress up" often. I really don't for horse events. I'm not wearing my best clothes and shoes when I'm going to be rubbing up against horses and stepping in poo. But I do normally try to look presentable.
Something told me to wear my old tennis shoes today. I hadn't checked the weather; I didn't know it was suppose to rain. I just had this gut feeling that I needed to wear my old shoes. The ones with holes in the toes.
I'm so glad I did. And those are my socks. They were white when I put them on.

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