Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vacation Gone Wrong!

Gary took one of his weeks of vacation this week. I'm not sure what he had originally planned to do during this time. He probably hadn't planned anything since he just is not much of a planner. But I'm 100% positive he didn't intend to sit in his chair all week long.

Last Saturday, the day after Christmas and the second day of his extended vacation, he complained that his throat was sore. Sunday he felt bad, but was convinced if he just layed around for a bit he would feel better. Monday he was very ill, but it didn't even compare to how bad he was on Tuesday. He doesn't even remember Tuesday. He pretty much slept all day between doses of Theraflu. On Wednesday, I could tell he was making his way back to the living. But he still complained of just feeling bad and achy all over. Then on Thursday, he felt great. He was still coughing some, but he didn't feel bad. He left the house for the first time in 5 days. Friday he was still coughing, but he was still feeling okay. He felt good enough to get out of the house again for a few hours. It must have been to much to soon because on Saturday it hit him hard again. Another day of sleeping all day. Today he seems better, but he is still sick.

So my day 3/365 shot is of my hubby's vacation chair. I'm pretty sure his vacation plans didn't include having the flu! I bet he wished the vacation chair was an Adirondack on a beach somewhere.


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