Warrior Spirit ♦♦♦ Warrior Pride
I remember my mom being upset when Gillham consolidated with De Queen. I didn't understand why. She hadn't been in school in 13 years or so. Now I understand.
I don't even pretend to know what is best for our kids concerning consolidation. I don't think I really have enough information to make that decision.
Consolidation may be the only financial option we have. But I don't know for sure because I don't know all the numbers. And the numbers that have been provided don't seem to add up.
Do I think it would be beneficial for my students to have more choices about course offerings? Yes, I do.
Do I believe that consolidation is going to allow that? No, no I don't.
If you listen carefully to what has and hasn't been said, you would have heard that the new high school will be "adequate." Adequate translates to just large enough to meet requirements. You would have heard that five or ten years down the road we might be able to offer as much as 70 credits. We definetly will not start out offering that many credits.
Do I want my students to have the best teachers possible? Yes I do. They deserve the best.
Do I think the new school district will provide them? I don't know. I'm not sure I can afford to stay. (I'm not trying to be conceited. I'm a dang good teacher and I really care about my students. Not all teachers are like that.) I will be taking a substantial pay cut. The kind that really does affect your check. Add driving an additional 10 miles when I already drive 25 miles one way. (I'm estimating since we "haven't looked at land." If you buy that one I have some ocean front property to sell you.) But I don't even know if I will have a job. Both high school math teachers at Cove have more years than me. I could be bumped.
I'm not against consolidation for emotional reasons. I'm not really against consolidation at all.
I'm against decisions being made prior to having all the options available.
I'm against making the same mistakes we have made in the past.
I'm against allowing the people who got us into this position have the power to make this most critical decision.
I'm against stupidity.
I'm against lying.
I'm against cover-ups.
I'm against making a plan after making the decision.
I have solid concerns about real issues.
I'm not against consolidation for emotional reasons, but hearing that it really is going to happen has made me sad.

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