Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Step At a Time

Day 12/365

I promise I will not turn this into a weight loss blog! However, I do want to use my 365 to really document what is going on in my life. Today what is going on is "Project Get Fit Day 2."

As I watched the biggest loser tonight (yes I do), I cried. Not so much for those strangers, although a tear or two was for them, but more for myself. I could empathize with each and everyone of those people. I have felt what they feel.

I have this little devil sitting on my shoulder right this minute yelling at me that I have thought these things before. I have promised myself to make changes before. I have given myself deadlines, strict diets, and exercise schedules only to fail over and over and over.

But then I also have a little angel sitting on the other side that is whispering softly and quietly that I can do anything I want to do. I choose how I want to live my life. I can make that choice at any time. All those starts and stops where just practice getting me ready for THIS TIME. This time when I will not fail. This time when I will find me again.

I have never liked loud, pushy people. I don't like this little devil guy. I think I'm going to kick him out of my mind. I choose NOW!

One Step At a Time Day 12/365

Ohh, and this is my very first B&W in my 365 which is really strange because I love B&W.


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