Wednesday, January 13, 2010

That's So Random

Day 13/365

I have a random brain. One of my students says that I have the attention span of a squirrel on crack. I don't think I'm that bad. But sometimes thoughts just pop into my head and run away with my brain. It's like I have no control.

I was looking around the house trying to figure out something to shoot for my 365. I walked into the garage with the intention of finding something "gardenish" as reminder of spring and warm weather. When I first glanced at my OSU chair my inner self laughed. The following is the conversation my brain had all in the space of a few seconds.

I could always shoot that chair. It's certainly colorful!

Ty thought he was so funny getting that for me. Little does he know how much I use it.

Doesn't Lakyn play at OSU?

OSU...aren't they the cowboys? But the girls teams are cowgirls. Right?

Yes, that's right. That's kinda odd. Most sports teams use ambiguous mascots.

Well, there are female warriors, but not generally in the Native American realm. Wouldn't it be funny if we were called the Wickes Squaws. Doesn't have much of a ring to it.

Horatio girls would be the Lioness'. Try making a cheer rhyme with that one!

My mom would have been a Tigress instead of a Gillham Tiger.

Maybe it's good that teams pick ambiguous names.

Van-Cove Hornets. DeQueen Leopards. Mena Bearcats. Those are all unisex names.

What is a Bearcat anyway?

I think I will shoot the chair.

That's So Random

My chair is BRIGHT huh? It was bought as a gag gift. I love it. In Arkansas, I never have to worry about someone stealing it. I can see it from a mile away. And I will never get mistakenly shot while sitting in it.

I did look up Bearcat by the way. It's not a bear or a cat!! It's a common name for an Asian animal called a Binturong. They kinda look like Wolverines, but not as cuddly looking. If you could call a Wolverine cuddly. (That means they are really nasty looking little creatures. Not something I would ever pick to be my school mascot.)


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