Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Boy and His Horse

Day 23/365

There are two types of cowboys in this world. Those that love horses for what they can do, and those that just love horses.

Tyrel is the former. He is the kind of cowboy that wants the best horse for the job. His love for a horse last as long as it will track a calf, work a rope, or pull a steer. He does love his horses, but he loves them for what they can do. He has already owned many horses in his seventeen years. He will own many more. Each will have its own specialization according to what he needs a horse for a the time.

Tyler is the later. He loves his horses
fiercely regardless to their abilities. He loves them unconditionally, like a mother loves her children. His little miniature Miss Mandy will never be sold. She will only be ridden by Tyler's children. And I'm not sure he will even let his own kids ride her. His sweet palomino Leo can do no wrong in Tyler's eyes. He is not the fastest horse, nor the prettiest, but Tyler loves him like no other. No one rides Leo except Tyler. When he let Alissa ride Leo during the time that Buddy was injured, I was astounded.

Neither boy's way is right
or wrong. Just different.

But the bond between Tyler and Leo is amazing to see.

A Boy and His Horse   Day 23/265

Disclaimer: Tyler and Leo are not actually kissing in this shot. Leo loves human food. I normally buy oatmeal pies just because Leo loves them. I didn't today, but we did have bbq chips. We didn't realize he loved them until he almost knocked me down to get to them. Tyler decided to play with Leo a little. He held a chip between his lips to see if Leo could take it. He did. Without hurting Tyler. That's trust!


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