Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!
Day 19/365
Yes, I will admit it. I'm cheating today. I actually took this shot yesterday. I wanted to share it so bad, but I also wanted to share the one of Alissa looking like a dork holding up her tooth.
And to be perfectly honest, if I didn't cheat today I probably wouldn't be posting a shot.
It seems like I am having "one of those days" more often than not lately.
It started with having duty.
(insert Alissa snicker here~~She thinks the word "duty" is hilarious and laughs every time I say it. She really thinks it's funny that I "have duty in the cafeteria.")
I don't care how well prepared I am, my duty day always throws me off kilter for the day. Today was no exception.
With homecoming this week, the kids are WILD! Honestly, if even the smallest detail is abnormal teenagers act like monkeys on speed. It makes it very hard to teach them something.
Then I talked to my husband this afternoon. Our grandbaby's birthday was yesterday. I forgot. I have never transferred all of my birthdays from my last phone. This is the third family birthday I have forgotten. The only good thing is that he is only 2, so he doesn't realize we forgot.
Then blah, blah, blah.
Alissa and I stayed for the game. But left during half time of the senior boys (which I didn't want to do since Tyrel is playing now) because it was getting to late for her to be up. She is a very schedule oriented child and doesn't do well when we deviate from the schedule. She still didn't get to sleep until an hour and a half after her normal bed time. I feel for her poor teachers tomorrow.
Add to all that the fact that our dog has suddenly started having accidents in her crate during the day. She's really old, so I'm really concerned.
So I'm cheating on my shot today by using one I did not take today. It's a Macro of Alissa's tooth. I don't own a macro lens so I tried a trick I had heard about. I flipped my 50 mm backwards and held it against my other lens. Pretty tricky getting the focus just right, which I didn't do very successfully. But still a cool shot anyway.
And the tooth fairy threat? She had completely forgotten about it this morning. I had to tell her to go look under her pillow! Then she called me a cheater because I used the dollar out of the change bag.
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